
During the day, my mom attends the center and I am free to do what I need to do whether it's sleep or go to the grocery store. The center's staff communicates with me and makes me feel as though my mother is their only client. If asked to describe the center in one word, I would say ANNOINTED.

Sheila Harris

Having a center for my father to go to daily and on occasion, the weekend, gives all a much needed breather.

Thomasina Foulk

I give praise and thanks to GOD for creating the wonderful people who run and operate this center with all their love, care, understanding and professionalism. I live in Southaven, MS and I have made several trips to the center to see how and who is taking care of my mom. All of my mom's kids say "thank God" for you all and please keep up your caring ways and the GREAT WORK.

Mr. Commanchie Rudolph

First and foremost, THANK YOU! for your love, support and your help with my grandmother. It is because of you that she has a safe and caring place to attend every day. You make sure that the environment is full of love and care. You show patience and true caring tenderness that is needed for the work that you do.

Felicia Fabre

I knew I needed to find a quality facility for my mother to go to everyday and after touring and meeting with several adult day centers, ASC was highly recommended to me. When I came to take a tour, I was pleasantly surprised with the facility, activity rooms, nurse's station, dining room, respite care rooms, and my favorite, the room for the caregivers. Most importantly, ASC was more affordable than all the other centers in my area. I felt relieved and happy that my mom would be just fine.

Brenda McCloud

The staff at the ASC is prefessional and caring. My mother receives her daily medication, meals, exercise and meaningful activities. She looks forward to going to the center and fellowshipping with other clients and staff

Lucille Pettaway